Ag Oasis began as, and remains, a family business. What started as a platform for one families' future has now provided a place for multiple families to work together in the same direction - to provide the highest quality, real milk, filtered for wholesome nutrition with exceptional care taken every step of the way.

We believe that by being good stewards of the environment, we will create a lasting impact on our community.
From investing in technology to treatment and reuse of our water from the milk -along with exploring future innovations- check out what we’re doing.

We are committed to supporting causes that improve the quality of life for the residents of Southwest Kansas and the Oklahoma Panhandle.
We are eager to help local schools, civic groups, churches and nonprofit projects within our communities that align with our own company values.

Our mission is to produce the highest quality of milk. To focus on the comfort and welfare of our livestock while ensuring the safety and health of our facility through training and providing a safe work environment. To focus on our family values, to be excellent stewards of the land and to be an example in our industry. We are always looking for people who want to do the same.